Welcome Back!
A funny thing happened on the way to my writing down what I’d learned... I got busy with LIFE. My new job at GoDaddy and volunteer work, moving to Arizona, then my move to LegalShield as a VP of Software back in March 2021.
All of a sudden, I looked down and five years have passed since my last blog post! I was reminded about this because I received the annual renewal notice for GoDaddy's Website Builder, which I had used to build that site.
Recently, I'd been playing around learning NextJS using Vercel, TailwindCSS and CapacitorJS to build a ridiculously silly app that I wanted. (If you must know: A dewpoint tracker for the Phoenix area where I live to see when we're getting close to monsoon - see it at tracker.stevestarck.vercel.app ... I told you it was kind of silly…)
I was looking for something ... bigger … to build, but most of the ideas I had involved building better versions of websites or apps that I used every day, and I didn't want to go through the hassle of trying to get their data from them.
When I evaluated the cost for the Website Builder renewal against how I'd never really been happy with the restrictions it placed on me (no dark mode, for example) I realized that I'd found my bigger project.
In an evening I snagged all the content off the old site and put it into a NextJS template on Vercel.com that I’d customized… Then promptly cancelled the renewal and redirected the domain.
Hope you like the new, slightly more refined look, that is responsive (and supports dark mode!) This was just a quick lift-and-shift to avoid another annual renewal, I’ll work to improve it over the next few weeks as my work and travel schedules permit.